2007 ............................ In the grand scheme of things perhaps, family history/family tree/genealogy count for very little. For me, it began in the 70s and became something of a passion that lasted some 10 years. Then the rule of diminishing returns began to take effect. New facts became harder to find and the work became more expensive and more time consuming (I wonder how many Atlantic crossings I made and how much time and money and energy I devoted to the pursuit) In time the hobby, for me, tapered off. All the paperwork, and there's a lot, ended up put aside and all but forgotten.
The steady advance of the computer and the fact that more genealogical data is finding its way thereon has, in many ways, cut the cost and the legwork. From time to time I still dabbled, rather half-heartedly. Recently, I started entering what I'd learned into a website, suggested, oddly enough, by cousin Paul.
I'm trying to enter all the data I have. There are two reasons for this:
a) It will give me a base to begin again if the fancy takes me (and it likely will).
b) This will provide a useful and "complete" view of all that I have accumulated for "those that might follow after."
I suppose there's a slightly morbid aspect to all this. I'm getting on in years and, despite my best efforts, I'll not last for ever. I sincerely hope that somewhere among the tribe someone will want to "get into the hobby" and carry on my efforts.
It is a satisfying and interesting and, yes! an exciting journey.
The point of this blog entry is really to give "YOU", whoever you are, access to the website where all the data is being entered.
It's called: Genes Reunited
My password: I've sent it to Andrea, Martin, Mitchell, Paul, Sherri.
I do ask that you make no alterations but tell me of omissions and errors, if you see any, and I'll fix 'em. It's by no means complete yet, so whole slabs of detail are missing.
The site's capacity seems vast and it does seem well thought out and very user friendly.
Please .... family members, and that means all of you, do pay "the tree" a visit.
I'm also trying to get the "family album" picture collection into some sort of chronological order and onto disc for promulgation the interested masses.
And then there's this blog ................... "prewarmodel". It's intended to be "my era from my point of view."
So there you are ................ "me and us" being presented for "your and my" entertainment.